Fight against obsolescence skills

Address your company's learning requirements with agility through our exclusive solution : a continuously updated content catalog.

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React promptly to your skills development plan with Edflex

We allow you to continuously adapt your learning plan internally. How? With...

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A wealth of content and publishers

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Experts to support you every step of the way

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Numerous possible integrations in your ecosystem

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The best content providers

Explore the wealth of content providers available on Edflex

Edflex combines the power of a content aggregator with the relevance of curating learning content

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We bring together expert providers in their respective fields, curating the finest content. Collaborating with renowned entities such as Cegos, Pluralsight, Openclassrooms, and numerous others, we also incorporate hundreds of familiar open sources that your employees engage with daily. These are meticulously filtered and validated by our team of experts.

Content from premium publishers combined with the richness of open source : this is the great strength of Edflex.

The most qualified content

Adapt the learning experience and content to each collaborator's needs

Edflex develops the potential of each employee, guiding them to the right resource.

A Team to Make Your Project Evolve

Save time on a daily basis thanks to our support

A project team

A learning team

A communication team

Our mission is to revolutionize learning around the world, and our strategic partnership with Edflex is an important step in achieving this goal. Through our collaboration with Edflex, we are expanding our global footprint and making award-winning learning available to businesses of all sizes, wherever they are in the world.


Sophie Beauropert

Senior manager Learning & Talent Development chez Generali

Edflex introduces an innovative learning approach, empowering employees to become active participants in their skill development journey by ultimately placing the levers in their hands.


Sophie Beauropert

Senior manager Learning & Talent Development chez Generali

Integrations : a seamless experience

Integrate your content directly in your ecosystem

Edflex seamlessly integrates with key players in the market. The goal? Minimize friction, simplify the learning experience for your users, and enhance their engagement. In essence, it provides a fully integrated content aggregator within your ecosystem.

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The best learning content for all your talent needs

You too, make Edflex a learning reflex to update your company's skills and support you in the face of change.


And you are wondering

How to integrate Edflex into your skills development plan?
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The Edflex solution can be deployed as part of vocational training plan to respond to different training needs of employees like: accessibility to quality training content, the personalizing training courses, the regular update of the contents, the financing certification courses, the adaptation time slots for training on working time...
Our digital catalog meets 100% of the needs of employees in their professional development. It is entirely possible to link specific topics to the corporate culture Or to business expertise through certifying training courses created in-house.
First of all, our experts support you in analysis of your business needs to ensure that our solution can help you. We only work with companies in which we can support employees in their professional development and on their workstation. The training teams share with us the skills of the employees on which to provide content and our educational experts then create a tailor-made catalog.
Meanwhile, most of the training teams who contact us have already developed a learning plan. We then advise them on how to integrate our solution into all existing training actions. The strength of our support is linked to our ability to occupy a central place in daily training for your employees, all thanks to educational content that makes it possible to achieve a concrete professional objective.
What is a content aggregator?
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One RSS feed aggregator is a software that brings together and stores several syndication feeds, that is, it groups together sources of information from different websites to distribute them later. This type of feed reader, often developed by a webmaster, is ideal for monitoring information on various topics while saving time. Indeed, the tool will set up a content flow : it will scan several web pages to analyze the latest files posted online using a keyword. Following this scan, he will update his data by adding the latest published content to his news feed. This is how the user will receive alerts for each new article published on their dashboard.
Tools like Scoop It or Flipboard are specialized in information intelligence on any internet browser. They make it possible to monitor thanks to subscriptions. The search is done using hashtags that gather information published related to the keyword. These are dynamic pages that can even be integrated into your website.
At Edflex, we use this process of content curation, but we enrich its process by expertise of a teaching team dedicated to qualifying content gathered by AI. Our experts analyze each resource and carefully select partner publishers before publishing it on our customers' catalogs. This is how we can allow all our users to access only to the best online training content.
Can Edflex be compared to a content aggregator?
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Edflex is a Saas solution that connects businesses and their employees to the best learning content. It can be considered a professional monitoring tool, but is mostly similar to a daily training tool, since it is a content aggregator bringing together best online courses from various publishers on the same catalog. Its regular update is done via varied sources of several websites of publishers of educational content. It cannot be described as a real-time update as there is no syndication feed (such as the RSS feed) linked directly to the content catalog.
However, Edflex's educational experts qualify each resource to offer only the best web content to users. They update by removing outdated content, and selecting new ones every week. Thus, it allows you to stay informed of news related to the evolution of skills, the acquisition of experience in a work situation and tomorrow's trends.
What is the Edflex catalog presented?
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The ergonomics of the catalog is designed to facilitate the user experience, so it is intuitive and very easy to use. The home page is presented as a blog with various highlighted resources, categories to classify content and a search bar to target a specific query. It works like on search engines: the learner enters his keywords and sees several results appear that he can filter the content flow according to the type of format, language or even availability.
From now on, it is possible to follow the news of Best Top Voices thanks to the integration of their social media feeds directly into the Edflex catalog. Each resource sheet is composed of a descriptive text file, an opinion from the expert and the opinion of other learners. With more than 230 skills available and regular updates of resources, it is simple to organize your monitoring and to be informed in real time to learn on a daily basis with your favorite content.
What are the advantages of the Edflex catalog?
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In addition to content that is aggregated via a continuous flow, selections are also offered by our educational experts to help animate and make you want to follow the flow of content. Some are accompanied by quizzes or of questions answers delivering a certification to be found in your dashboard, these are then skills courses.
The catalog, like the educational paths, are fully customizable for your business. Notifications and newsletters can be set up to keep you up to date with the releases, new paths and the evolution of your employees in their increase in competences.
Who integrates the content in the catalog?
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At Edflex, we have a team of educational experts dedicated to the content qualification of training offered on our catalog. With the help of a artificial intelligence allowing automated monitoring, these experts are responsible for verifying the sources of information on the websites of each new content before integrating them into the CMS.
Whether it's the latest articles published, new podcasts or video content, their methodology bringing together more than 20 quality criteria Ensures them an effective monitoring of all content sources before they are imported. A source identified as qualitative thanks to a web page can make it possible to source and aggregate several new articles for the selection of experts.
The same analysis methodology is implemented with these 20 selection criteria for paid publishers, in order to keep only the cream of the crop !
How to use Edflex in daily training?
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Edflex works like a content aggregator and allows you to monitor the changes in skills and of you learning on a daily basis regardless of your field of activity. Thanks to the selections received each month, you are aware of the new contents of your training catalog and can follow the news of your sector of activity.
Edflex is accessible from any web browser and search engine : Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla... An extension is even available on Google to access catalog results and learn directly from the Google page! A real time saver in your monitoring process to be informed of best online courses without even realizing it, and putting his up to date skills throughout the year.
Is continuing education mandatory?
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According to the Labor codeL, the training is a strongly supported right of employees by staff representatives. Thus, while some non-mandatory learning courses may be refused by the employer, the employer must nevertheless provide learning to ensure that each individual is retained in the job.
Provided by the skills development plan. However, learning generally includes several skills assessments at different times in the employee's career, thus confirming the validation of achievements as they go along. As part of the application of an international convention, it also provides for an international training guideline or minimum provisions otherwise.