Integrate My Mooc into your business with Edflex and provide a unique learning experience for your teams!

Edflex is the My Mooc offer dedicated to businesses, providing a comprehensive digital solution to train your employees with the best learning resources.

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A complete digital solution for all employees, with formats for each learner. MOOCs (of course), but also open source videos, articles, podcasts...

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A personalized offer for companies with +500 employees or standardized for start-ups and SMEs with a complete catalog.

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Integrations into your ecosystem (LMS, LXP, SIRH) and your daily tools (Teams, Google...) to centralize your learning offer

More than one million employees learn with Edflex around the world

My Mooc & Edflex

The link between My Mooc and Edflex

In 2016, Clément, Rémi and Raphaël - high school friends - are convinced that a revolution in learning sector is up and running. With the rise of the Internet and the creation of learning resources (videos, online courses, podcasts, articles...) in the 4 corners of the web, a gold mine of knowledge is available to everyone with simple internet access.

Looking at the daily lives of French people every morning, the observation is clear: many listen to podcasts, watch videos, read articles. But there is a problem : it is often difficult to know where to look if the content is not recommended by Linkedin, YouTube, Twitter or Google. After creating My Mooc in 2016, today leader in its market, they met Philippe Riveron, founder of Learning Tribes and learning expert for 15 years. They combined their strength to develop the solution with a version dedicated to businesses : Edflex, a tool for curating the best content on the web !


Creation of My Mooc (solution for the general public).
3 founders


Creation of Edflex 
(for businesses).
11 employees


Health crisis, first fundraiser.
30 employees


Level of 150 client companies reached.
65 employees


71% of employees form by themselves*

The internal training offer is not considered sufficiently relevant or easily accessible.

We reassure you: we have the solution you need thanks to Edflex

*By using online content. Source: 2023 Edflex Survey - Study carried out among 1,000 employees of companies with +500 employees.

Centralize all your favorite content

The future of learning lies in simplicity

Discover the most intuitive way to train your teams: the aggregation of training content

Centralized access

A time-saver

Unique flexibility

man enjoy
Image produit

They trust us

"Edflex is very agile. We needed an on-demand learning platform that is rich in content and fully aligned with current events, meaning it is regularly updated. In terms of partner relations, everything is going very well; the team is responsive and friendly. So, I would say, go ahead, click, and dive in!"

Delphine Broillet

Design & digital learning, innovation and marketing VP

“What we loved about Edflex is all the curation that is done by their teams on subjects that interest us, and that saves us a lot of time. You can watch a small, very short video, or have access to a press article. It is also access to the online course. These are much longer, certifying courses. It allows for a wider and more varied panel.”

Eric Guérin

Orange Campus Training Manager

“For me, the greatest quality of Edflex is its ability to provide high-quality resources to our employees, which they utilize in their own modules. The content is not just something to listen to or read, but also something that can be leveraged in learning.”

Marine de Scorbiac

VP Talent, Learning Development & Culture chez Aircall

“This is an extension of our team, they are very proficient in the content we want to make available to graduates. There is a whole team of Learning Experts within Edflex, who support us every month to select resources.”

Géraldine Pauty

Career and Marketing Director at HEC Alumni

“The advantage with Edflex is that we have access to all the best learning content on the web, adapted to the needs of our learners thanks to the work of Learning Curators, directly via our LMS. Learners thus have a unique gateway to their courses.”

Clement Schneebeli

Vyv3 Digital Learning Manager

How can Edflex enrich training in your company?

Meet an Edflex member to determine if the solution meets the needs of your business during a telephone appointment, or go back to My Mooc to train yourself individually.