Find out about the business case Gruau

Edflex is part of a strategy to respond to the challenges of training plans and skills development, with the objective of using learning as a lever for innovation and supporting human capital.

About the context

The Gruau Group is a European company specialising in bodyshop repairs on commercial vehicles, with more than 1,500 employees.

In March 2020, the company launched via Edflex a digital, distance learning platform: the Gruau Digital Academy. The rollout, which was brought forward due to the public health crisis, addresses the challenges of the company's training program, together with the development of skills within the group.Through the online platform, Gruau is providing employees with online resources spread across 8 customized topics: English, office automation, management, personal topics: English, office automation, management, personal development, addresses the challenges of the company's training program, together with the development of skills within the group.Through the online platform, Gruau is providing employees with online resources spread across 8 customized topics: English, office automation, management, management, personal development, and activities performed the workplace.

What are the objectives

The Edflex initiative addresses several challenges within the group: growing an attractive HR strategy, supporting human capital in the achievement of company objectives, and harnessing learning as a driver of innovation.

As a result, through Edflex, Gruau is providing diverse content (videos, podcasts, online courses...), within a digital tool that is accessible at any time, and which meets both the requirements of individual professions and the skills overlaps across different jobs.Gruau also called upon Edflex for the distinguishing feature of its package: an updated catalogue every month with new resources, and the option for learners to leave a review, together with recommendations.

Putting in place a strategy

The training digitalization project - already under consideration for several months within the group - gathered pace during the public health crisis at the start of 2020.

By calling upon Edflex, Gruau's training team was then able to offer a catalogue containing more than 200 chosen resources for its 1,500 employees all over the world in less than 2 weeks.During the launch of the distance learning solution, several lines of communication were used:

  • A notification sent across internal software tools, and an email campaign sent to employees,
  • External communications: press releases and articles.

Analysing the results

The platform, which was rolled out at a time of crisis, was met with enthusiasm from TheGruau Group's employees.

More than 400 training hours were recorded on the platform in 3 months, with more than 2,000 resources accessed, mainly within 3 categories:

  • English
  • Excel
  • Wellness at work

In order to monitor users' activity in realtime, the project team has access to a dedicated statistics area.Finally, feedback from employees has also been positive. In particular, they like the variety of resources available, and the ease of navigation when accessing the training solution.

“First of all, the Gruau Digital Academy came along at the right time. For someone like me who was working from home, I had to arrange my workspace in my house, and work remotely as part of a team... I found content, articles, and short videos on the essentials of how to organize things, as well as tutorials on office automation - whether it was to refresh my memory, or to learn new techniques.And then bit by bit, I looked out of curiosity at content about management, English, relaxation, photography... I quickly got into it. The Gruau Digital Academy is all about varied content on everything, and it's for everyone!

Anne LERIN - Heavy truck body design technician



Date of creation


Edflex customer




HGV Bodywork Repair Engineer

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