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November 15, 2023

The top management and finance courses from Sentinel|9 are now available on Prime.

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Manon Cousin Glorieux

Manon Cousin Glorieux

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March 4, 2024

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Discover the best of their leaning courses on management, leadership, finance and industry.

For a long time, we have surrounded ourselves with the best content editors to offer high-quality learning to our clients. In the development of our Edflex Prime offering, we are pleased to announce a new partnership with Sentinel|9 that supports this deep commitment.

Sentinel|9 Courses

A leader in the fields of management/leadership, finance, and industry, Sentinel|9 offers learning content accessible to everyone. These subjects are among the most requested learning needs in business, especially with the rapidly increasing obsolescence of skills. Experts in their field, Sentinel|9's courses are at the forefront of industry news.

They offer more than 50 learning modules, covering a wide range of topics, such as:

  • Enterprise risk: identification and mitigation
  • International business for managers
  • Organizational behavior, HR, and leadership

These learning modules are exclusively in English, making them ideal for your international targets or for improving language skills. 😉

"We are very excited to offer Sentinel|9's courses in our catalog. Having this expertise for our international targets is a real asset." - Stéphanie Beaufort, Content Partnerships Director

From Acculturation to Specialization with Edflex Prime

Edflex supports access to learning for everyone. By partnering with entities like Sentinel|9, our Prime offering fulfills our promise to share the best in online learning. Our users therefore have access to learning content covering management topics across a broad spectrum, from acculturation to specialization.

Edflex Prime brings together the best content editors, covering 100% of your learning needs. Cover all your needs with a single solution!

Manon Cousin Glorieux

Manon Cousin Glorieux


Content Manager

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Passionate about writing since always, I found at Edflex the ideal environment to put my creativity at the service of your needs! Find me in the monthly newsletter for a summary of best practices on online learning.


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