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April 5, 2023

How to become an augmented learning team with Chat-GPT?

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January 15, 2024

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Artificial intelligence (AI) integrates perfectly into corporate learning teams to increase efficiency and free up time!

As the world continues to rapidly evolve, it becomes increasingly important for businesses to adapt and evolve to stay ahead. One of the most significant changes in recent years has been the rise of AI. These technologies offer powerful opportunities for companies to improve their operations and remain competitive.

Employee learning is a particularly conducive area for innovation. By using AI-powered chatbots like Chat GPT within learning teams, companies can create a more efficient, engaging, and personalized learning experience for their employees.

In this article, we will explore how to become an augmented learning team with Chat GPT and take your employees' learning to the next level.

The benefits of using Chat GPT in learning teams

Using Chat GPT can offer many advantages for corporate learning teams to work hand in hand.

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Integrating ChatGPT into the learning creation process can save time for pedagogical engineering teams. According to the ISTF barometer, 35% of learning teams lack time and/or staff to develop digital learning in their company.

AI can help create learning modules, from the structure of the learning to its content. This can also reduce the workload of trainers, who can focus on more complex tasks.

Improved efficiency

In addition to the considerable time savings, the benefits of using AI are also felt in administrative and operational tasks. Designing learning, finding educational resources, managing internal documentation... So many tasks that Chat GPT can optimize by simplifying searches and providing access to ever more instant answers.

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How to integrate Chat GPT into a learning team?

Designing learning

Chat GPT can help learning teams design modules based on learners' needs and preferences. The tool can do everything: whether it's the structure of the module, a test to validate skills acquisition, or content on a particular topic. Indeed, the tool learns through the scripts transmitted to it and can adapt to the needs of each company.

Thanks to precise and comprehensive answers, AI provides quick assistance to learning managers. This improves the quality of learning: Chat GPT can answer questions about complex or specialized subjects that learning teams may not necessarily master. However, it is necessary for a human to verify the information shared, as the sources of AI are not cited.

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Finding learning content

In one query, Chat GPT can curate multiple learning contents to feed modules offered by the company. A nearly instantaneous response that can be used, for example, in a chatbot powered by internal learning teams.

But be careful about what the tool proposes: it does not differentiate between quality content and another that shares inaccurate information. To be sure to make the right choice, it is better to rely on experts. Chat GPT can be a first step to feed your research but should not be the last. Conversely, sector-specific educational experts have the ability to qualify the best learning  content using strict selection criteria, not included in the AI algorithm.

Managing documentation

The use of Chat GPT can be used for the administrative management of learning: development of the skills repository, creation of the learning retro-planning, assistance in redirecting to learning, assistance in writing briefs for service providers...

Four people looking at a computer screen

Mastering Chat GPT unlocks incredible potential to delegate operational tasks and focus on more strategic subjects. To achieve this, it is necessary to train the Chat GPT users within the learning team to improve their work.

Delegating administrative or time-consuming tasks to an AI is an effective way to free up time for the learning teams to focus on higher-value missions. However, some practices require human expertise, such as qualifying a learning and verifying sources. For this, the internal team can expand by engaging external educational experts who have effective methodologies.

At Edflex, our experts rely on 20 criteria to verify the quality of a learning  before proposing it to our clients. This is a considerable time-saving for the learning teams we support, who can then focus on more strategic issues. If you want to discover our support, get in touch with our team.

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